Sunday, October 16, 2011

Change the way you think about your laptop


WWF: Change the way you think about your laptop

Do you know what goes into making your laptop? Raw materials for electronic goods are mined from tropical rainforests, but as resources dry up, recycling aluminum is key. If a laptop manufacturer...

Of course as usual the big environmental organizations refuse to address the elephant in the room which is our meat eating habits. 

More destruction is caused to the rainforest by cattles to "feed" north america's insatiable carnivorous habits. So yeh the laptop problem is important but not nearly as important as changing our destructive dietary habits. they makes us fat, they makes us sick and they destroy the planet. This is why I don't support organizations like WWF (which are corporate excuses for environmental protections) or the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, because they refuse to address the best way to help the planet which is to go Veg.

 Trees only can neutralise or devour excess carbondioxide of the earth to save us from Global Worming and various other complications that affets human health. I request everybody to show their actions by planting & saving at leat one tree each year. Cann"t we take this as a Vow to save this beautiful planet?
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